A Vision of the Earthbound
An Anthropocene geostory must offer insights into living with the Earth while addressing the political challenges the Anthropocene represents in its technical and scientific aspects, or what Bruno Latour refers to as our “geostorical moment” where we must face Gaia. At the same time, it must offer a vision of social, economic, political, spiritual and ecological engagements with the Earth that break from presently destructive ways of living and being. This new Anthropocene story must move beyond the failed projects of anthropocentrism, neoliberalism, and globalized industrial civilization. It must act as a roadmap for how we reach a different way of living on, in and with the Earth that takes seriously the scientific limits identified in concepts like planetary boundaries, while also providing a compelling story about our place in the cosmos. We need an Earthbound cosmopolitics for the Anthropocene, for all those whose fate is bound to the Earth.